
Batteries are a key technology for electrification and play an important role in future energy supply.

Batteries are a crucial piece of the puzzle if we are to achieve Sweden’s climate goals with net-zero emissions by 2045. Batteries enable the phasing out of fossil fuels and increase flexibility in the electricity system through energy storage.

The Swedish battery industry is at the forefront. Sweden also has related strengths and opportunities in areas such as vehicles and electrical systems, as well as a strong mining cluster. Engagement and investments are needed for the battery industry to be able to continue developing and contribute to Swedish growth and competitiveness.

Challenges include ecologically and socially sustainable raw material supply, competence development in academia and industry, as well as research, innovation, and business development. Efforts are also required for coordination and collaboration, both nationally and internationally.

The geopolitical situation is complex, competition is intensifying, and the battery market is far from resilient.

More information on the battery development (only in Swedish)

Research needs:

  • The battery value chain in a system perspective
  • Alternative and complementary battery technologies
  • Resource- and energy-efficient manufacturing processes along the entire battery value chain, including recycling
  • Long-term academic competence building, to secure a steady flow of knowledge and competences
  • Attractive research environments to attract and retain talents
  • Collaborations between different organisations in the battery value chain

The importance and need for continued and strengthened long-term program-based research in the field of batteries have been emphasized at various levels by different actors, both in Sweden and internationally.

Research and business development in the field of batteries: